Animation Hue – Adjust the Hue of the animated background.Bottom Text Color -The color of the text displayed at the bottom of the alert.Top Text Color – The color of the text displayed at the top of the alert.Bottom Text Area – Text you want displayed in the Bottom Text.Top Text Area – Text you want to be displayed in the Top Text.Custom Sound Volume – Controls the volume of the built in alert sounds.You can mute the alert and upload your custom sound into the default sound section. Mute the custom sounds? – This will mute the custom sounds built into the alerts.Some alerts do not contain all of the options listed below. These options are found in the Custom Fields tab. Streamlabs Alert Tutorial Alert Customizations

Once you’ve added this into your streaming software, test the widget to make sure they’re working properly.
Intermission stream with chat box update#
If you’re using alert variations (such as re-subs) you will need to update in the variations as well. To do this, you can change the Alert Text Delay in the Streamlabs base options. If you’re planning on using text-to-speech you may need to delay them from being read, as there may be an intro animation and sounds (depends on the pack). overlay file, you may not need to complete this step if your alert box is already added in. If you need to scale down, you can do so directly inside of OBS Studio. We generally recommend setting the size to 1920 wide and 1080 tall (more height is recommended if using messages), however, depending on your stream adjust the size here may work better for you.
Intermission stream with chat box software#
Once you’ve added this into your streaming software test the alerts to make sure they’re working properly.